Bill Wadman
1 min readAug 11, 2020


Some great information. Thank you! With so many options along the decision tree and variables in drives/cache/usage, I find it very difficult to come up with a Best Practices set of advice for others. Some people swear that RAID10 is the only way to go for speed of use and rebuild. Others like yourself suggest SHR2. And as you pointed out, BTRFS has amazing features, but perhaps adds a lot of overhead. Without wiping the thing, rebuilding with 12 different setting states, doing a bunch of tests, it’s so hard to get good data on which is best. I think Synology could do a better job with that overall.



Bill Wadman

NYC Portrait Photographer, On Taking Pictures #podcaster on @5by5, Photoshop Nut, Hackintosh Convert. Take Portrait. Obsess. Repeat.